Saturday, March 25, 2017

Alec Soth

I just stumbled upon this project recently and it is not exactly directly related to what I am doing this semester, but I could not not share it. 

I took my first black and white film class last fall introduced me to the wonders of analogue photography. I feel like I didn't shoot as much as I wanted to so I wanted to do something with my film camera this semester. Shooting film as film and not just snapping away like I would with my digital really makes me stop and think.
Intentionality has become a important part of my working process as I try to develop my skills in a more specific direction. Thinking about what I want to shoot and how to best shoot it was never really part of my process in the past.. I would just throw on an interval timer and jump on stage in front of the lens do the same moves I always do against a background then chimp the screen to see what I got.
If this project is about resetting for me then I would like to look into my photographic process and think about what is working what is not and how I can retain the good habits while weeding out the bad ones. I want to continue shooting film and people like Alec Soth inspire me to get out and photograph.

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